Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Polonius-- What do you read my lord?" Hamlet-- Words, words, words. (HAMLET)

.....Ok , so I haven't posted on this blog for several days.  I've been busy writing my Great American unfamous novel.  Right now, I have it titled "Out of This World" but I'm not too happy with that.  It is sort of a sci-fi novel--so what do I know about sci-fi?  Practically nothing, so that's why I say "sort of".  The plot involves an alien from another universe who comes to this one in order to study the history and culture of the planet Earth.  He will then report back to his boss in his planet's Academy of Arts and the Sciences.  How he gets here I don't bother to discuss with a lot of techie details.  But he comes with several important "gifts". Enough said.  Someone might steal my idea.  I have written 60 pages already.  I had no idea where this was going to go when I started, but as I kept writing, it just went!  Speaking of "went" I went to the VA yesterday and had a session with Mary Stone who, among other things, takes care of all the medication I get from there.  When I told her the plot lines of my book she said that while i was telling her, she thought it sounded like a good movie.  OK. I don't mind getting rich.
* * * * * * * * * *
.....I'm feeling very good these days.  I have the cane to help me walk, but I can walk about the house without it--but not while RH+ is here.  It makes her nervous and I can't blame her.  She's my support in my old age, helping me in many ways and she is a blessing.  The year 2011 was probably the worst year of my life.  I suffered for almost that whole year as a result of fracturing my left hip while the fracture in my right hip had not fully healed, and neither did a painful sore on my heel.  It was because of this sore that I had to suffer in hyperbarics.  Well, thankfully, all that crap is over and I'm back to writing this blog.  I have already published 10 books of the posts coming from this blog, and if I keep going, I probably would be able to publish another one.  I don't think I want another book out of it.  I don't expect many people to buy any of the books, although they are on sale at Amazon.  But I believe anyone who deigns to buy one, any one, will find it very interesting reading--and not only for what I have written, but also for the comments. I'm even reading one of them now, and it's amazing to remember those days and the things I wrote about.  I'm enjoying it, and I have nine more to go.  If I were to put it all into one book, I'd have more than 2000 pages and I'd feel like Tolstoi or that I've written "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMay 16, 2012 at 12:26 AM

    Nice to have you back, Baron, and glad your health is still improving. I wouldn't worry about not knowing anything about sci-fi when you sit down to write it,as this consideration doesn't seem to worry anyone else who writes sci-fi. Yes, I would like to buy your books but possibly in a compendium edition. Have you thought of that? Much love, Cuzzin Ruth
    Phil: Heaven bless you for being such a staunch friend to and supporter of the Baron! (Have just read the comment you put on the last posting.)

    1. Why would you want a "compendium" edition? Also, I could send you a sample of what I've done thus far with the sci-fi thing. I just move it along and write whatever comes to mind at that moment. It's fun! Oh, and I did manage to fit the "Bidford Drinkers" in it, but with a kicker.

  2. All right, Doc, I can overlook the flawed anatomy of "the fracture in my right hip had not fully heeled" but having seen RH+ in action, I have to take issue with "I consider her a blessing." What's wrong for the simple declarative 'is'? No need to write as if anyone might dispute you. That she's your blessing is clear to everyone after a few minutes. Few men are so blessed.

    1. "Flawed anatomy" is correct. My bad. I was just thinking of the following sentence. Also I adjusted the RH+ blessing to a "simple declarative" to make you happy. I would want no less.

  3. Mon cher Norman, while I do not doubt that you can write science friction or even science frictionless, you would have a much wider audience if you wrote what you know best--heroism in war and peace; battling depression; raising children; looking for love; and, above all, maintaining ruthless standards of personal excellence.

    Whatever you decide, your opus magnum will be a best-seller. Your next book could be, "Life begins at 85."

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMay 17, 2012 at 2:49 AM

    Er...well, Baron, a compendium would make my life easier. You don't know what life is like at Chateau Grimsley. We don't so much have books in the home as live and sleep in a library. Books - you wannem? We gottem!! I am engaging in a massive project at the moment to reduce our non-fiction collection since the need for a lot of it has been wiped out by the www. Even so, some of my reference books are better than info on the Net, which as you know is only as reliable as the twerp [shlemiel] who put it there. So sorting out what is to stay and and what can be given to charity [goodwill] shops for the benefit of those still on the wrong side of the digital divide is a taxing business. Does that answer your question? Cuzzin Ruth
