.....Unfortunately, the Baron was not able to blog the Newhall visit becaused at the time, he was in no condition to blog anything. It is true; Bonny, my adorable daughter, and my grandson Sean appeared out of the blue on Fathers' Day and made their brief stay a golden one. Bonny was a great help in unpacking boxes here and putting stuff where they belonged, and getting our house in reasonable condition. Sean helped whenever we required a strong hand. One night we went out to a Japanese restaurant for dinner and we enjoyed a nourishing and thoroughly fulfilling dinner. A couple of us downed some lobster and filet mignon with fried rice. Then on a following night we came down from the gourmet stuff, and stuffed ourselves on baby back ribs. On another night Bonny cooked dinner; she is quite the gourmet kid.
.....Bonny now has had her shop for over 20+ years. She always loved animals and after high school I sent her to the New York School of Dog Grooming. I am in awe at what she has accomplished; she is an extremely hard worker, and I simply adore her; when she was here, I couldn't take my eyes off of her; she is the delightful little twin that I relish and remember. I am also proud of what Sean has accomplished. He is now Sean, BFA and that is something. (I'm not sure of what surname he uses--probably Tully after his dad) Sean is a real California guy, a surfer and an artist and so he carries some of the Ross blood! And so, now, Baron apologizes to the Newhall kids for not recognizing their visit in my blog as timely as it deserved. The reason for such neglect has been duly documented and so now they are now immortalized in these pages. (See second blog this day)
Thank you for the information on the effervescent Bonny and her splendid son. Let's hear it for the Ross siblings and their magnificent offspring!