Friday, June 17, 2011

"Weary sev'nights, nine times nine shall he dwindle, peak, and pine" (Macbeth)

.....It's been really speedy here.  Before I knew it, I had an aide to drive me each day to the cyperbaric oxygen treatment so that Rhoda might have the time to do the things she had to do.  The first time I met the "aide" I knew she was the one I wanted to handle all my needs; and I have a slew of them.  She's a pretty tall black gal with a gracious personality.  She knows what I need, before I even know what it is.  She's the one who will be staying overnight here while Rhoda is in NY.  Rhoda has been very insistent about having her stay all day with me so that I would not be alone.  She said it would make her feel better, so what could I do?  Well, the truth is that I really need an aide.  I am mostly dependent upon my scooter.  Walking with the walker is really painful.  I have two things which are a problem for me; the sore on the bottom of my left leg, and the pain emanating from my surgery.  There's nothing much more I can say except to apologize for Rhoda if she "lashed out at you".  She was a lady at the end of her rope, not knowing what to do about her husband's ailments, and hopeful that the Baron's children might offer to help.  But of course, they had no way of knowing the true  situation here.  

....Bonny and Sean are coming here on Father's Day.  She has offered to help by doing some cooking.  I guess she has learned how to cook.  I don't think her sister has gotten to that stage as yet.  Joel's anniversary is on June 17.  He's been married a long, long, time so I guess that marriage is one made in heaven.  The anniversary of my marriage to Rhoda occurs on Fathers' Day.  You do the arithmetic; our marriage is surely made in heaven.  The Baron could never ask for a better Baroness.  When she had to drive me me to the hyperbaric treatments she was driven to her wit's end having also her own doctors' appointments.  My doctors had better know what they are doing.  As for me, I know there are several lapses in publishing some blogs; at this time it cannot be helped, so please bear with me.


  1. Good for the Baron and good for the Baroness. They will both gain from the new aide, and all Doc lovers will as well because they revel in any good fortune to the Rosses.

    Bonny, a ray of sunshine, will brighten Chez Ross as will her offspring, Sean. Things are looking up for the FlaRosses and, hopefully, life will continue to move in that direction. God bless.

  2. Happy Father's Day! Thanks for teaching me how to hit a baseball, not to kick a soccerball with my toe, to pace myself in a half-mile race, and to do many more non-sports-focused metaphorical activities.

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJune 20, 2011 at 7:49 AM

    Well, dear Baron, I'm so glad that the logistical problems of your life are sorted, but I'm saddened that you are still experiencing pain and disability.

    Hope you had a good Father's Day. Sorry to be so late with my greeting on this, but as you know, I haven't had a father for the last five or six years. I still miss him.

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJune 25, 2011 at 11:45 AM

    Hi dear Baron - still thinking of you! Cuzzin Ruth

  5. Joel's marriage was definitely made in Heaven because, unlike all your other children, he married a Jewish girl. Barbara is a great wife and a great mother. Who could ask for anything more? Happy Anniversary, Virosses. And Happy Anniversary to you as well, Flarosses.
