Monday, January 3, 2011

"The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on,,," (Omar)

Hi friends...I know it's been a week or so since I last posted on this blog.  Looking back, I have posted at least 600 of them since 2007, and over 2000 pages which have turned into 8 books.  I'm kind of burned out at his endeavor,  and I have to turn to some other form of amusement...move in a new direction.   I know that along the way since the beginning I may have rattled some nerve endings and curled some hairs and lighted some fires--but it's been fun and those of you who have read this blog and written comments, I thank you for your kind attention to what I've had to say.  I am I Don Quixote et Le Baron tambien.  Love to all and to all a Very Happy MMXI...


  1. And the same to you, buddy. May you always find a better way to enjoy life.

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 3, 2011 at 11:49 PM

    Dear Cuz Baron - if I'd read you correctly, this entry means you are stopping blogging. Is this right? Cuz Ruth

  3. Dear Cuz Ruth--the blog speaks clearly. Adieu.

  4. By "turning to some other form of amusement," does that mean the Baron might eventually return to blogging again if those other forms turn out to be less fun?

  5. Dear Redhead--the blog speaks loud and clear for this moment, but Zorro may return at any time. Meanwhile, stand by for the arrival of great grandchildren.

  6. To JR: No doubt.
    To PB: No GGs in sight.
    To RG: Cheer up. The sun shines east; the sun shines West.

  7. GGs have a way of appearing suddenly, when least expected. Be patient.

    But we know where the sun shines best. On Baron, Baron, the indomitable Baron.

    Remember, Robert Browning did not necessarily know what he was talking about. I spoke to a rabbi named Ben Ezra yesterday, and he claimed to be misquoted.

    Still, time marches on, and the Red One continues to soldier on. Or, more accurately, sailor on. Long may his flag wave, even to Eternity.

  8. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 6, 2011 at 9:23 PM

    Really, Cuz Baron, you of all people ought to know that there's not much point telling a depressed person to cheer up! But thanks for good wishes all the same. I'd like you to resume blogging to distract me from my agonies. Distraction is the best I can hope for at the moment. Love, Cuz Ruth

    Phil B - I'm a Browning fan. "Fra Lippo Lippi" has said the last word about the relationship between humanity and the arts. And God, if you believe in God. But Browning is sometimes hard to understand - and he knew he was - and I coudln't get my head round Ben Ezra. Incidentally, Babelfish once translated Browning's name for me into Spanish as "Roberto que broncea." ("Robert who is going brown.") I was so amused by this that I was inspired to write a fictitous biography of a Spanish poet called Roberto Que Broncea. (A bit like Prokofiev inventing Lieutenant Kije from a mistake a Tsar made.) I will try to get it to the Baron to forward to you. Ruth G.

  9. Ellin Bliss Jaeger (North Shore '58)January 6, 2011 at 10:07 PM

    I look forward to a second (third?) coming, in the meantime, go well.

  10. "For nowadays the world is lit by lightning ! Blow out your candles, Baron - and so good-bye."

    Or, maybe not.

  11. Thanks, Cuz Ruth, for your inspired work with Robert the Browner. The Baron is very dependable and did forward it to me.

    How do I love Robert Browning? Let me count the ways. It is certainly not for the hoax he tried to perpetuate on Man (generic, includes woman) that old age is better than youth. In Wonderland, or Oz, maybe, but not on this Earth.

    Nevertheless, at whatever age, life is beautiful if you have the sine qua non, good relatives and wonderful friends. May you all enjoy the same!

  12. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 10, 2011 at 9:31 PM

    Thanks Phil! Nice to talk direct to you at last. Is there any way we can induce the Baron to resume blogging, do you think? Cuz Ruth

  13. Greetings to you, Cousin Ruth. I will be satisfied if I, or anyone else, can induce the Baron to: remain as healthy as possible; maintain the most positive attitude possible; and to suck as much enjoyment from life as possible.

    We cannot prevail upon him to continue blogging just because we enjoy his musings, insights, and even fulminations.

    Baron Ross will ride again when the time is right. You can hear the palm trees sighing, "Zorro, Zorro," in eager anticipation.

  14. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 11, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    Phil - in Zorro shalt thou bring forth children: and I hope we will be hearing from fresh literary offspring of the Baron in due course. Cuz Ruth

    Dear Cuz Baron - after a joke as good as that one, how can you refuse to resume? Cuz Ruth

  15. I never saw so many comments attached to the shortest blog I ever wrote. Don't you people have anything else to read? Right now I'm engaged in rehearsals for a show I'm performing in and I am teaching a class called "It's Poetry". If I think of something earthshaking to write about, like Doug MacArthur, I shall return. Geeezz!

  16. With the help of God and a few Marines,
    MacArthur returned to the Philipines.

    Btw, Joel of the House of Ross has CONSIDERABLE literary talent.

    N. Ross, one of your few weaknesses is that you do not know how to accept a compliment. Oh, well, the last perfect man died on the Cross, if that is what you believe.

  17. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 12, 2011 at 8:46 AM

    Of course we've got stacks of stuff to read, dear Cuz - but YOU are the people's choice! Here in Britain we're horrified by the recent masssacre in Tucson, and Sarah Palin and her viewfinder pics. And how a severely disturbed person can get hold of a gun so easily. Want to comment on that?

  18. "Doc" (now apparently known as "Zorro")January 12, 2011 at 11:17 AM

    Dear PB (&RG)...a "few" weaknesses? I've got gobs of them, but most are secret. Yes, I do not know how to accept a compliment (though I approve of them.) That secret's now out of the closet. I wish I knew how to because I have always been in need of them; I have never had a clear view of myself as an ATM for compliments. I was once a red-haired, freckled faced kid who felt inferior to my blond friends. I know that because of the skills I have used in my life, people have felt that I was full of myself which is patently untrue, and that thought has made me uneasy. But stay with me, anyway.

  19. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 12, 2011 at 1:56 PM

    We'll NEVER leave you, Cuz Zorro! And don't bother to change, 'cos we love you JUST AS YOU ARE!!!

  20. The Baroness (AKA RH+)January 12, 2011 at 3:46 PM

    Dear PB & RG, I live with the man and I know that if you leave him alone for a while, he hates being ignored, he will come back and the Baron will rise again. Yes, he is busy with the show and his poetry class, but trust me, that is not enough for him. Give him a much needed break and you will be reading him again

  21. It appears that this blog is beginning to take on the appearance of a chat room. It's almost comical at this point! "Doc" says he's all atwitter (tho' he doesn't "twit" on the Twit site). Yes, he says that JR is a fine writer (and so is his sister). He believes that Bobby writes, but only in runes. Insofar as PB,s comment that the "Doc" does not know how to TAKE a compliment, he says he prefers that they be GIVEN--mostly in bunches. He is sorely in need of them at this point because of the guilt he feels about getting old. Hmmm...Baron Zorro??? Not bad.

  22. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 12, 2011 at 4:52 PM

    Dear Cuzzin-in-law Rh+ - "the rest is silence." (W. Shakespeare)

  23. Ellin Bliss Jaeger (North Shore '58)January 12, 2011 at 5:08 PM

    So what's the syllabub oooooops syllabus for It's Poetry. Anyone else in this chat place like to play free rice?????

  24. Out of the night
    When the full moon is bright
    Writes a hoarse man known as Baron Zorro.

    This blog renegade
    Carves a "Z" with his blade,
    A "Z" that stands for "taking a nap."

  25. This blog has taken on the characteristics of a chat room because all of the Baron's readers have come here to be entertained and educated. However, in the absence of the Baron, we are just milling around with nothing to read or to do, so we're just discussing topics amongst ourselves, to kill time until El B returns from his walkabout.

  26. Perhaps those who wish to read a blog, try JR's blog It's infinitely prettier than mine and is strictly factual...not a false line in it. It's in the family of blogs. However, you do not learn a helluva lot about the author or his life. But the facts are very interesting...If you have not read it from the beginning, scroll there. Remember, Patience is a Virtue.

  27. Joel, you, not brevity, have become the soul of wit. It is no surprise considering that you grew up in such a dynamic home. Baron Zorro never takes credit for the achievements of his chillun' and granchillun', but he deserves it.

  28. You are NOT old, Doc. Your body MAY be aging, but your heart and soul are possibly even more youthful than when you were half your present age. And never sell a Ross short. Look how tall Joel and Bobby are.

    And thanks to Cuz R., Baroness RH+, and Ellin Bliss Jaeger for keeping the flame burning.

  29. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 12, 2011 at 10:30 PM

    Joel - how true, how true!

    Everyone - chat room a good idea! Why not? We all know and love the Baron, so we must all have lots in common.

    Ellin - what is "free rice," and how does one play it?

  30. I've been advised that my "poem" above is likely not to be recognized for what it really is: spoof lyrics. The words are based on the theme song for "Zorro":

    Out of the night
    When the full moon is bright
    Rides horseman known as Zorro.

    This bold renegade
    Carves a "Z" with his blade,
    A "Z" that stands for "Zorro."

    I generally do not like having to explain a joke, but I'd prefer that to being regarded as a bad poet.

  31. I've been advised that my "poem" above is likely not to be recognized for what it really is: spoof lyrics. The words are based on the theme song for "Zorro":

    Out of the night
    When the full moon is bright
    Rides horseman known as Zorro.

    This bold renegade
    Carves a "Z" with his blade,
    A "Z" that stands for "Zorro."

    I generally do not like having to explain a joke, but I'd prefer that to being regarded as a bad poet.
