.....Now, in the past couple of days I've been getting e-mails from Facebook claiming that I have messages waiting there for me from friends. I consider that very nice, but I want nothing to do with Facebook, Footbook, Toebook, Bellybook, Assbook, or Twitter-de-dee or Twitter-de-dom. I get there and I haven't the slightest clue as to what needs to be done or how to do it. There are thumbnail pictures of people I never heard of as well as thumbnails of those I do know. Of those who are listening now, if you would like to send me a message about this blog or anything else, please send it to my e-mail address, norrho1@comcast.net--or if it's a comment about a blog, then send the comment from the blog--it's simple...even I know how to do it. Remember, I'm not a techie or a teenager...I' just a poet. I know nothing about ipods, epods, or peapods. So, comfort me; I do not wish to walk on that road.
.....Speaking of poetry, if you go to this link: http://www.poemhunter.com/ Type my name in the "Search" box. It will take you to another page that states "Sorry, no results found" which is an outright canard, because in the left hand column you will see my name, and if you click on it you will be taken to a list of my poems. Click on any one--or all--and you can have the pleasure of reading them. I have about 40 more which I will enter at this site at the rate of about one-a-day. So, don't lose hope. Actually, I have no idea why I am entering poetry here, because the chances of anyone reading them or commenting on them or rating them are just about zero. But it gives me something to do. I'm retired, you know.
.....At any rate, you this is a great web site, because you get to read the poetry of almost every poet you choose--if you are so inclined. They even rate the 500 best poems. I think they were smoking something while they were rating some of them, because some of them do not qualify as poetry in my opinion...a poem, perhaps...but not poetry. Poetry is getting Democrats elected. That does not make me a bad person just because I said that. I was brought up Jewish with a voting for Democrat gene, and if and when I decide to go, I go to a synagogue. If you are Protestant or Episcopalian, or Ethiopian, you may have a very different and wrongful gene, and you were brought up to go to a church--if and when you decide to go. O! I forgot! This is a segment about poetry! You see what happens when you pass 80. So, take my advice and don't walk on that road; it's definitely not poetic.
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