Monday, July 5, 2010

"Man shall not live by bread alone." (Matthew IV)

.....Since this is a blog, or as I prefer it to be called, a journal basically about seniors who have retired and living in Florida, I would be remiss if I did not report for posterity at least one of the orgiastic activities that this segment of society indulges in. And I don't use the word "orgiastic" in the sense of frenzied sexual activity (there is no such thing here), nor a night of bacchanalian revelry. Oh, no. I refer to its substitute--the unbridled and wanton desire for food--and especially for the "early bird" attractions of local restaurants. The early bird is the preferred method of dining by retirees in condoland. The requirement is usually to be seated before 6pm. And the attraction is the discounted prices of the entrees. Its a legitimate activity, especially for those living merely on social security. For those who are more financially endowed the attraction is the voluminous choices of fare.

.....The primary incentive for lunch is the lure of "Buy one salad, get one at half price if you buy a beverage." Or, "Get a mini-nova platter with a dollar off and a free six-pack of Immodium tablets." The catch of discounted breakfasts is that you must be seated before 11am--the time I usually get out of bed. The evening meals involve a cornucopia of delectable chefs' creations of many countries' cultural food identities, such as Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Mexican, Cuban, or perhaps, Australian steaks consumed in Outback. However, if you are in a hurry to make the show in the clubhouse, you dine dismally at Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, or Kentucky Fried.

.....And to tell the truth, most homes maintain immaculately clean ovens. On Easter, Passover, and Thanksgiving there are always luscious spreads at Too-Jays or Flakowitz. But on Mothers' Days, Fathers' Days, Birthdays, and Anniversaries, if you aren't taken for lobster at Chinese Gardens or The Station House, you are liable to be mightily disappointed. So then, if one decides to retire to South Florida, the only nutritional motto that is acceptable is "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow ye diet."


  1. They don't seem to have Early Bird Specials in Virginia; perhaps that renders it a backwater. Could you tell us about "Blue Plate Specials"? I've heard rumors of such a thing, but they don't have that in Virginia either. Do you actually have to purchase a plate that is blue? Or is that the color of the plate on which the "special" is served? It's a mystery. If any one knows, the Baron would.

  2. Well, son, we do not have "Blue Plates", but we do have Earth's Plates The plates are made of rock and drift all over the globe; they move both horizontally (sideways) and vertically (up and down). Over long periods of time, the plates also change in size as their margins are added to, crushed together, or pushed back into the Earth's mantle. These plates are from 50 to 250 miles (80 to 400 km) thick. Consequently, they can hold a Wendy's hamburger quite easily.

  3. South Florida sounds like an exciting place to live. The diversity alone makes it very interesting.
