Monday, May 3, 2010

"How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that hath such people in it." (The Tempest)

.....I found another blog that bears repeating, especially in these times. It was published many months ago--perhaps you remember it. However, it's been somewhat updated.


…..I keep wondering why people write letters to the editor of their

newspapers complaining that it is "ultra-liberal" and unfair to whom or whatever are their own choices. If they don't like the newspaper they're reading, why don't they subscribe to one more to their liking? Personally, I don't mind if the paper I read is "liberal". I find that word to be much more comforting than "conservative." When I read about Rushing Lumbago excoriating liberals and leftists on the radio, my gorge rises at it. What’s so bad about “leftists”? Sandy Koufax was a leftist pitcher and he’s in the Hall of Fame. And what’s so bad about "liberal"? For example, if your sister or mother or wife or father, etc. is icing a newly baked cake, I prefer saying, "Be a little more liberal with the chocolate, if you don't mind." That makes for the better taste of the cake rather than asking the icing person to be "conservative" with the chocolate--don't you think?

…..Another example: If you're a teacher and a student hands in a commendable essay, it would not be inappropriate if you are somewhat more liberal with your praise than if you are conservative--don't you think? In addition, as a parent, perhaps you could be a little more liberal with the keys to the car should your teenage son or daughter is in need of it or being conservative makes for tension in the family.

….. It seems to me then, that "liberal" should not be such a pejorative term as conservatives and Tea partiers make it out to be. Even the pledge of allegiance ends with " nation, indivisible, with liberal and justice for all". By the way, and Republicans take notice: the dictionary defines "liberal" as "generous, bountiful, not narrow in opinion or judgment." That's liberal enough for me.

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