.....Both Rhoda and I are suffering from bouts of bronchitis, an energy sapping illness. I got over it once a couple of weeks ago, then she picked it up and I got it once again. We're both on anti-biotics and hopefully this nuisance will dissolve. RH+ is now RH-. She is completely worn out, and I am sad for her. We are sleeping in separate rooms. I also am contending with some kind of infection in both eyes. She is pouring prescription drops in them, but nevertheless, my reading ability is affected. Right now, we are the sadist of sad sacks with a minimum of energy to do anything. I'm doing my best to write this miserable blog. Daughter Robin is due here for the weekend next Saturday, but if we are not cleared up, she ought not to come. We don't want to infect her because shortly she is leaving Tallahassee for Big Timber, Montana to spend the summer on her ranch.
.....Robin is having a big, big birthday in December and I haven't the slightest idea what to do for her. No point in giving her money as a gift; she doesn't need it. And as far as a party is concerned, her mother and sibling Bonny lives in California and her two sibling brothers are in Virginia--and we are in Florida. Her "niblings"--my grandchildren-- are also scattered over the globe. Where could this party be? Rho and I are certainly not up to going north in December. Something needs to be done--and shortly. Joel thought it a good idea for her to be Bat Mitzvahed, followed by a "reception" but without months of study it's doubtful a rabbi could be found who would agree to that. I believe somehow there will be a celebration.
.....Well, I know this is anything but an intellectual, political, or humorous blog. But....
About Robinson's baseball bat mitzvah--Rabbi Macagli would agree to anything, but Robin is more discriminating.
ReplyDeleteHow about a birthday cruise on the USS Higgins?
Btw, lose the bronchitis, both of you. Broncos are for breaking, not for chitising.