.....I got a real surprise yesterday on my email with a message stating that a former student of mine had left a message for me on "Plaxo"--which is something like Face Book, I suppose. So, I followed the link and found this message
"1)Please continue writing the blog every day or so. I believe it is good for most of us, especially those who had the luck and pleasure of knowing and learning from you at NSHS.The blog is a way we can continue to learn from you. You continue to be a mentor!
.....Since I haven't gotten permission from him to use his name, I can at least say that he graduated in 1960 so he must be about 67 years old! I can't even imagine my being able to remember a teacher that I had in high school after 49 years has passed. And another thing that amazes me is how my blogs wind up on Face Book and Plaxo? Anyway, I let him know how much I appreciated his sentiment. These things are a great satisfaction to me knowing that what I was teaching had some lasting influence on my classes--and I don't mean the subject matter; I mean the life lessons. But, I had an advantage over other teachers; I had recently been through a world war and what you learn and pass on to others is of inestimable value.
.....I also received a comment from son, JR, referring to the blog I wrote yesterday. I think it important to repeat it here in the event readers don't go back or don't remember the "cryptic" note about Bonny:
"1)Please continue writing the blog every day or so. I believe it is good for most of us, especially those who had the luck and pleasure of knowing and learning from you at NSHS.The blog is a way we can continue to learn from you. You continue to be a mentor!
.....Since I haven't gotten permission from him to use his name, I can at least say that he graduated in 1960 so he must be about 67 years old! I can't even imagine my being able to remember a teacher that I had in high school after 49 years has passed. And another thing that amazes me is how my blogs wind up on Face Book and Plaxo? Anyway, I let him know how much I appreciated his sentiment. These things are a great satisfaction to me knowing that what I was teaching had some lasting influence on my classes--and I don't mean the subject matter; I mean the life lessons. But, I had an advantage over other teachers; I had recently been through a world war and what you learn and pass on to others is of inestimable value.
.....I also received a comment from son, JR, referring to the blog I wrote yesterday. I think it important to repeat it here in the event readers don't go back or don't remember the "cryptic" note about Bonny:
.....Just to relieve the anxiety of your reading public concerned about the cryptic note regarding Bonny: She is fine and her family is fine. There was just a public relations mishap regarding her shop, but everything is now under control.
.....Now for the poll results as to whether or not I must continue to write these things:
.....Now for the poll results as to whether or not I must continue to write these things:
1)Montana checks in the a vote for #1. Dave in cold, snowy Montana
2)Don't give up the blog, Cuz - it's a treat! Cuzzin Ruth in rainy England
3)You have to keep writing your blog. I just love seeing you sitting at the computer doing one of the things that you love doing....Writing. RH+
This poll has a plus or minus rating of +75%/-75% certainly not enough to motivate continuance of this blog. I won't be able to write too many more of these because Lady Baron and Red Baron are going on a cruise to the Caribbean on the Celebrity Line ship Equinox from Dec.13 to Dec.24. We've been there before and I have always wondered why so many islands are named St. This and St. That and not one island named after a Rabbi. There's St. Kitts and St. Nevis; St. Lucia, St. Vincent, St. Thomas, and etc. Why not an island named Rabbi Goldberg? At least you wouldn't have to keep eating tacos and fried bananas. You could dine on a potato knish or perhaps what Rho likes, kasha. But you can forget about it. It's not going to happen.
I don't understand the 75% rating of the poll. It seems to me that the votes are thus far 100% for the blog to continue. Can we... uh, I mean, may we vote twice?
ReplyDeleteLate vote coming in for #1. I agree with anonymous NSHS graduate (like myself), you are essential as the daily newspaper, only more so.