.....What is happening in America is beginning to turn my stomach...literally; my gorge rises at it. The protest event in Washington yesterday by a right wing extremist, racist, and idiot mob was a political and moral disaster for America. Never in all my experience has such vicious and violent disrespect shown to the President of the United States. One sign carried by an archetypal moron pictured Obama with a mustache drawn to make him look like Hitler. If this kind of thing doesn't sicken even the most conservative of Republicans, then our country will be shamed in the world and Barack Obama's position in the world's view will be damaged. It's difficult for me to understand what is happening in America when an important political party propagates outright despicable lies about what Obama's health plan means. I remember vividly how this country came together as one powerful unified entity in order to defeat our enemies in World War II. Now, we have been at war with two countries for many years in wars that are not winnable. Those wars unfortunately are not in our nation's consciousness in the same way I can remember, and that's the reason it angers me.
......Some Republican senators who have vested interests in insurance companies are spreading fearful rumors that Obama's plan will lead us into socialism. Contrary to popular belief, socialism is not a political system; it is an economic system distinct from capitalism. It was Plato who said that governments are formed in order to pass laws according to the needs of the public and in the public's interest. Our government already serves the public through Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and services for veterans. Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation; creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximize their potentialities.
.....In today's Florida Sun-Sentinel J.James Rohack, who is the President of the AMA, writes that "...Medical advances and improved care have led to fewer deaths from heart disease and cancer, but it's a moral stain on our nation that not all Americans can get that care because they lack health insurance." Our President, that is, every American's President--like it or not, has presented us all with a health reform plan to ensure that millions of people unable to get insurance will have the opportunity to get the health care that we all desire and deserve. So those ignorant, misinformed, misbegotten people with their hatred and their signs can go back to their caves and sulk because our Congress is going to pass a health reform bill and Obama is going to sign it. The AMA's president goes on to say, "Our country cannot afford to squander this opportunity." AMEN!