.....Last night a former student of mine came here, who through circumstances too long to offer, has become like a third daughter. Her name is Magda Machado Garshol and she is married to a brilliant Norwegian gentleman named Knut....(pronounced k-noot). Magda lives down in Ft. Lauderdale and when she heard that I was in great pain from the surgery on my leg, she literally begged to be allowed to come to see me....even if it was just for a few moments, and then she would leave. I was not in the mood for company, but after a few weeks we made an appointment with her, and the arrangement was that she would make lasagna and we would all dine on that. However, we had to cancel that date, unfortunately, because I was severely under the weather, so to speak, after the poor girl had already made the lasagna. But last night was a successful event. Rho made a big salad and then we dined elegantly on a candlelit table on lasagna and red wine. They all drank the wine. I don't drink it. I prefer diet coke. The evening was very cordial and fun, and we spoke on many subjects. We agreed, for example, that Obama has to get tough because he's never going to get a "bi-partisan" health care package. The Republican Party will vote nay on anything Obama wants to do for this country.
.....Well, that's enough of politics. Let's discuss the opening of a new bagel place. The opening of any bagel place is a big event in South Florida. They claim they only use Brooklyn water to make their bagels and that makes a difference. Rho and I went there this morning for breakfast. It's a very unusual bagel place. You have to get on line and give them your order just as if you were in Wendy's. You seat yourself in one of the booths, and shortly they deliver your order, unlike they do at Wendy's. But you have to get your own coffee and if you want water, a bottle is 99 cents. I had a bagel sandwich with bacon, egg, and cheese and Rhoda had a hot corn beef sandwich. Mine was very good and she enjoyed hers. But I doubt if we'll ever go back there. We prefer sitting down and being served in any other bagel place--of which there are several to choose from.
.....When we finished our breakfast we went to a place called Magic Mobility to see about getting a lift for my scooter. We were successful in that venture--we were offered a used lift for my car at half the price of a new one. The new one was somewhat beyond what I wanted to spend--in fact, it was way beyond my price. But the used lift will be ok. When they get a "hitch" for my car, then we'll drive over there and they'll install it for us. When that happens, I will regain my mobility. Although I have a cane, I can only walk about a 100 yards with it before I get enough pain in my leg that I have to stop. So, folks that's all the new development here. Oh, yes. I forgot. I no longer will have a wound care nurse coming here twice a day. It was driving me batty. The wound is not healed, but we'll be seeing the surgeon on Wednesday and he will determine whether it's still healing or not.
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