.....First I have to address Joel who said I did not attribute the poem "When the Sea waits..etc". Perhaps I failed to do so. If I did, it was only because I did not remember to attribute it. I do so for other poems. I did attribute "Dulce et Decorum est" a few posts back. I apologize for not remembering to use quotations. Remind me to get to it on a comment. Besides, I could claim "Poet's license! Symons is dead.
.....A couple of weeks ago I sent a gift to Phil and Hindy of grapefruit and (or) oranges. Today we received a beautiful basket (a real basket) of all kinds of goodies including a package of dark chocolates, which I'm told is very healthy for you. I guess that's the reason I reached 92.
.....Second, and about Senor Trump. He came out of nowhere to make the Republic presidential candidates. I don't plan to vote for him. But perhaps when I listen to the speeches at their convention, I will. Who knows? The Confederates always claimed to be the saviors of the American people. They claim that they know what Americans want. If that's so? Since Donald has drawn many more people to his side then to any other Republican, isn't that what the American people want? A screwball for President?
.....Thirdly,my two daughters & Bonny's husband, Don came from California to celebrate my birthday. In addition to them Magda came here from Sweden and stayed at our place for two days. Magda is a professional vocalist who came to North Shore High School from Brasil and though spoke only Portuguese at first. She was one of my best students.