Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Worst and The Best

.....I've been watching the winter Olympics and wondering why these young people care to risk life and limb with devices on their feet, yet.  Even those who twist and turn and jump on the ice have only a thin metal blade attached to a shoe attached to a foot, and the way that they perform with that device spells danger.  And any other escapade on ice can lead to a broken hip.  I broke two of mine--though not on ice; just on a monster of a rocking ship attached to my feet.  Then again, why should I talk of choosing an activity that risks life and limb when I chose the ultimate riskful (!)  activity when I was 17--war.  And why do we young (?)people do these things when our mothers have severely and clearly objected?  Because (we?) feel omnipotent--nothing can do harm to us, so why not somersault while high in the air from a hill of ice in order to wear a gold medal around our necks?  Or perhaps a hospital restrainer?

.....The plans for my surprise birthday party are coming along swimmingly.  RH+ is about ready to write out the table cards, or whatever they're called, so guests will be able to sit at the correct table.
She has already arranged the tables with who sits where.  We are 95% sure that guests will be happy with their table mates.

 .....The other day we went up to the VA Hospital because they called and said they had a wheel chair for me.  I had asked my primary doctor to order one for me after I explained why I needed one. I can't use a walker for more than about 25 yards (Cuzzin Ruth can change yards into something British) because after 25 yards my legs and arms cramp up and I have to stop for a few minutes. It's tough to go to the mall with the walker as you can figure out. I had asked the VA for a "companion" chair which is very light and fairly easy for RH+ to push or fold up the chair and put it in the trunk of the car.

.....Getting a wheel chair was a tough and emotional call for me as I had seen my dad in a chair, and it seemed that I was just following in his footsteps--a situation I hoped would never happen to me. But it did--and I hate it. I also hate the walker, but I do. Having to use these aids to get around is not what I figured my "senior" years to be. The worst thing about it is that you lose your dignity.  Yes do. Well, I have to deal with it if I want to get out of the house. I always say "house" because it's seems silly to say you want to get out of the "condo". I will be having a surprise birthday party in a few weeks, and I don't look forward to the guests seeing me pushing  a walker or sitting in a wheel chair. I don't want to look 90.

.....I complained to her the other day, "You're always pushing me around or talking behind my back." Well, what did you expect," she replied, "Y'our in a wheelchair."  I don't complain anymore.  Well now it's time to get on to a different subject.  I want to name my annual best for 2014.  My ten best food: 10) Strawberries and cream with matzohs and butter and coffee (9) Cheese or potato blintzes (8) Matzoh Brie (7) Lasagna (6) Spaghetti with butter (5) Spaghetti and meatballs (4) Filet Mignon with French Fries and diet Coke (3) Double stuffed Oreos and Mallomars ( OK but I said "food" not dinner and cookies are "food" (2) Florida stone crabs (1) Florida stone crabs.  I hope this has satisfied your hunger. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

"These violent delights have violent ends" (Romeo and Juliet)

.....I will be 90 on 02/27/2014.  It's hard to believe that I have made it to that number, but I am grateful because I got to hold my great grandson in my arms.  Of course there must be some other things I could be grateful for, but I can't think of any at the moment.  Oh, yes--I am way beyond grateful for having RH+ as a caregiver, and at times I can use a little care.  Perhaps you will see some care that I need and receive at the party she is making for me.  It will be held at the same banquet hall where I had a party 10 years ago, but I am told that 90 is "bigger" than 80.  So be it.
.....As far as the musical that I wrote is concerned, I have had nothing to do with it since I wrote it. No matter the reason, I gave the role of "Director" to a person (I believe he is a "person") whom I thought was my friend.  Since then I never have gotten an email nor a phone call about what was happening to my script.  Some cast members have told me that changes were being made to the manuscript.  According to the National Copyright laws, as soon as a work of art is completed it is copyrighted automatically.  So this person and his friends were violating my copyright because I had to approve changes.  Never had the opportunity.  They even changed the title which I chose to use, mainly "43!"--just as you see it--including the quotes.  They called the show, "The 40s USO Show."  How bland..  Now, if I care to see it, I have to buy a ticket!  This substitute director will get to see his work for three nights and then it will be gone forever.  But he also has lost a good friend forever.  Which is worth it?
.....I have some other things contributing to my "weltshmertz" which I've had hanging over my head for years. I'm like that guy in the Lil Abner cartoon who was always pictured  with a cloud hanging over his head.  I think his name was something like "Mr, Blifstick".  But I do share this condition with most other people who have their own clouds. So why worry?  I'm having a party.  All my children and grandchildren will be there, and I believe this is the first time all of then will be together...and also with a couple of grandparents.  There will likely be about 50 people there.  I didn't know that I knew so many.  They all will be well fed at dinner--and drinks are also free.  It's OK, though; I am getting a tax refund from the IRS of $5031. Should be more than enough to pay for this party.  So drink up, folks.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends." (Anon)

.....The eldest daughter recently informed me that she believed that she didn't have any talent, but nevertheless sent me attachments containing her latest paintings which I believe she is doing in watercolor.  Pardon what she believed; maybe still does, but she indicated that she "enjoys it."  I emailed back to her that it has been my understanding that if one enjoys what is being done, then it is being done well.  Her art is simple, but emotional.  It indicates that she enjoys life, and her mind is clear, and her life is as well.  She appears to adore her siblings, and her "little" sister at the utmost. Little sister is no slouch either when it comes to an artistic bent as well; but her "canvas" is the things she finds all around her that benefit from her loving care.  The art "gene" appears to have been passed on to my grandson, Sean. He holds a BFA degree.  I believe he paints in oils, and his art indicates that he is disturbed about something-- yet to be determined.
.....I happen to have had the good fortune to coach high school boys in soccer and in track and field.  I learned in 30 years that the more one enjoys whatever it is a person is doing, the harder the work is being put into it.  And in the world of sport, winning is the most enjoyable end of the hard work an athlete puts into his/her sport.  The more a student finds his work in school and his teachers enjoyable, the harder he works to get a high grade.  I recently attempted to write a musical to be performed by some talented (and some not) residents.  I really enjoyed the challenge and I believe that what I wrote would make for good entertainment.  Unfortunately, RH+ took ill during some early rehearsals, so I told whom I thought to be a friend that he could take over the role of "director" in my stead.  But the friend not only "directed" but proceeded to replace a few of the songs with his own preferences.  I never heard from him again, and learned that he was also changing the title I had given my work. 
.....I really don't want to go any more deeply into this distressing event because it is very disturbing for me to even think about it.  Just know that if I want to see whatever my play turns out to be with the changes this "friend" made, I will have to buy a ticket to see it.  The point is that I enjoyed writing the musical--and this cannot be taken from me, but more importantly, I lost a friend--and he lost me.  And as Confucius has said, "Have no friends not equal to yourself."