.....Let me just say a few unsolicited words about my family: I have four wonderful, intelligent, sensitive children, and four very accomplished grandchildren. Robin, my eldest had a highly honorable military career, retiring as a Lt. Colonel. She has held some very important jobs; at one point she worked as an assistant Secretary of Labor. When she retired she was appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush as Executive Director of the Florida Dep't. of Veteran Affairs. When George Bush was President he summoned her to Washington to serve in his cabinet as the director of all the national cemeteries in the country. Robin's brother, Joel, had a distinguished career in the CIA & after he retired, he became Vice President of a software company; he's as bright as a star. Then, there are my twins: Bobby Lou & Bonny Sue. Bobby is a crack salesman of Harley Davidson bikes. (That's bikes, not "crack"). Bonny has had a dog grooming shop in California for over 20 years. I love all of them dearly and equally...well, maybe not equally...that's not possible according to the latest issue of Time Magazine. I suppose I have a favorite, but that changes from time to time, accordingly.
.....Now, about the grandchildren. There are also four of them: Bonny's Sean, Bobby's Katrina, & Joel & Barbara's Adam & Hannah. Three of them have a college degree, and each of them has distinguished themselves in their chosen careers. Katrina is a Navy petty officer and she works on jet engines. Sean and Adam are artists and Hannah is a professional photographer. Unfortunately, and sadly, they all grew up elsewhere than Florida and we never had a really healthy chance to get to know each other. Consequently, they don't know their grandparents very well. In spite of that situation, they are grandchildren and, naturally, we love them. And another blessing is that my children have bonded, and each sibling is proud of and loves every other sibling. Not many families can say that. Mine can. The Rosses are at the very top of every and any 10 best list, and that includes Unca Phil and Cuzzin Ruthie. (Also RH+ & me).