Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes,"

.....Mass shootings again? The NRA is citing the second amendment along with the Confederate flag. Now why doesn't (or isn't) there a mass cry for the victims of these killers. You may be certain that there will be deranged "hunters" out there--anywhere, more copycats. These will happen where people congregate: schools, churches, synagogues, (Please! not the Mets or the Cubs, or the World Serious.) Why not a mass American Memorial Day throughout the country? A day in which the NRA will lose their powers over politicians? Why not? A day in which people will tear themselves away from watching CNN and especially FOX News? And why not. When the bullets start to fly from the nut job who is going to stop in their spot and have time enough to pull out a gun stashed on their hip, and not run like everyone else? Just how many idiots do we have in our government?
.....I've been thinking--what else is there to do when you're 92?  Trump is ahead of everyone in the polls, as we know, and some lament that reality. Is it because of his public speaking skills that are louder than anyone running for President? Or is it owing to a personality which could be a leading role in a play?  Falstaff perhaps? And just why are so many people gravitating toward him?  Is he not so different in speaking his mind as Khrushchev was when he banged his shoe on his desk at the U.N.? He didn't give a tinker's damn (who or what is a "tinker"?) what anyone thought about him or about Russia's warped political ideologies.